To sign up to the Pete St John RSS feed, click the RSS logo below:
Not sure what RSS is or how to use it? Well keep reading and let us explain how it can make keeping up to date with all Pete’s news, so much easier.
For a full and detailed explanation of RSS, you can read this Wikipedia article. Put simply though, RSS makes it possible to keep up with your favourite websites in an automated manner that’s easier than checking them manually.
If you click the RSS icon above and see a screen like the one in the image below, it means that your browser does not support RSS. Here at we recommend Mozilla FireFox as the browser of choice.
If you are presented with a screen like this, you will either need to install FireFox (very simple & self explanatory) or upgrade whatever browser you use to the latest version.
When RSS is supported by your browser, clicking the link above will present you with a screen like the one below.
Leave the drop down selection on the default setting to use your browser to subscribe to the RSS feed. In the popup window, select where you would like the RSS feed to be placed in your browser (i.e. in bookmarks or in a toolbar, etc).
Finally, you can find the RSS feed in your bookmarks (or where you saved it).